Laboratory: 형설관 507호
Telephone: 051)606-2149
Harmonic Analysis
Research Field
Harmonic Analysis, Applied Linear Algebra (for Communication/Imaging), Compressed Sensing, Sampling Theory (for Signal Processing)
[1] Y.M. Hong, J.M. Kim and K.H. Kwon, Sampling theory in abstract reproducing kernel Hilbert space, Sampling Theory Signal Image Process., Vol. 6, no. 1, p. 119-131, 2007
[2] J.M. Kim and K.H. Kwon, Frames by integer translations, Journal of the Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 11, no. 3, 1-5, 2007
[3] A.G. Garcia, J.M. Kim, K.H. Kwon and G. Perez-Villalon, Aliasing error of sampling series in wavelet subspaces, Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim., Vol. 29, no. 1-2, 126-144, 2008
[4] J.M. Kim and K.H. Kwon, Sampling expansion in shift invariant spaces, International Journal of Wavelets, Multi-resolution and Information Processing, Vol. 6, no. 2, 223-248, 2008
[5] J.M. Kim and K.H. Kwon, Vector sampling expansion in Riesz basis setting and its aliasing error, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, Vol. 25, no. 3, 315-334, 2008
[6] S. Kang, J.M. Kim and K.H. Kwon, Asymmetric multi-channel sampling in shift invariant spaces, J. Math. Anal. Appl., Vol. 367, no. 1, 20-28, 2010
[7] JM Kim, OK Lee, JC Ye, 다중채널 압축센싱, 전자공학회지 제 38권 1호, 44-49, 2011
[8] O.K. Lee, J.M. Kim, Y. Bresler and J.C. Ye , Compressive Diffuse Optical Tomography: Non-Iterative Exact Reconstruction using Joint Sparsity, IEEE trans. Medical Imaging, Vol. 30, Issue 5, 1129-1142, 2011
[9] JM Kim, W Chang, B Jung, D Baron, JC Ye, Belief Propagation for Joint Sparse Recovery, arXiv:1102.3289
[10] A.G. Garcia, J.M. Kim, K.H. Kwon and G.J. Yoon, Multi-channel sampling on shift invariant spaces with frame generators, International Journal of Wavelets, Multi-resolution and Information Processing, Vol. 10, Issue 1, 1250003(1-20), 2012
[11] JM Kim, JC Ye, Dynamic Support Tracking with Multiple Measurement Vectors using Compressive MUSIC, ICASSP, 2012
[12] J.M. Kim, O.K. Lee and J.C. Ye, compressive MUSIC: Revisiting the Link Between Compressive Sensing and Array Signal Processing, IEEE trans. on Information Theory, Vol. 58, Issue 1, 278-301, 2012
[13] J.M. Kim, O.K. Lee and J.C. Ye, Improving noise robustness in subspace-based joint sparse recovery, IEEE Trans. Signal Proc., vol. 60, issue 11, 5799-5809, 2012
[14] JH Park, BC Jung, JM Kim, TW Ban, 병렬OMP 기법을 통한 성긴신호 복원과 그 성능, 한국정보통신학회논문지, 제 17권, 제 8호, 1784-1789, 2013
[15] J.M. Kim and K.H. Kwon, Two-channel sampling in wavelet subspaces, An. St. Univ. Ovidius Constanta, vol. 23(1), 115-125, 2015
[16] J.C. Ye, J.M. Kim, Y. Bresler, Improvinb M-SBL for joint sparse recovery using a subspace penalty, IEEE trans. Signal Processing, vol. 63(24), 6595-6605, 2015
[17] J.C. Ye, J.M. Kim, K.H. Jin, K.R. Lee, Compressive sampling using annihilating filter-based low-rank interpolation, IEEE trans. Information Theory, vol. 63(2), 777-801, 2017
[18] J. Bae, KH Lee, JM Kim, BC Jung, J. Joung, Performance Analysis of Uplink NOMA-IoT Networks with Space-Time Line Code, IEEE 90th Vehicular Technology Conference, 2019 (R&E 후속 연구)
[19] H. Kim, JS Yeom, JM Kim, BC Jung, Coverage Analysis of Spectrum-Shared Directional Networks: Exclusion Zone and Antenna Radiation, IEEE 20th Consumer Communication and Networking Conference (개별연구 후속 연구)
[20] JS Yeom, E Chu, JM Kim, and BC Jung, “Closed-Form Upper and Lower Bounds on Coverage Probability of Repulsive Wireless Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 72, No. 5, pp. 6885-6890, 2023.