Due day is April 4th. ※ Please use the designated form. ※ Please keep the deadline. ※ Please write clearly.
2019 Problem Of the Week 1 Best Solution and Result
Best Solution1 19-115 한상희 Best Solution2 18-052 박해오름 Best Solution3 17-056 변희준 19-115 한상희 A+ 19-011 김도현 C 18-052 박해오름 A+ 19-017 김선우 A 17-056 변희준 A+ 19-036 박기찬 A 17-003 강창민 A 19-038 박민성 A 17-039 김홍진 A 19-052…
2019 Problem Of the Week 2
Due day is March 28th. ※ Please use the designated form. ※ Please keep the deadline. ※ Please write clearly.
2019 Problem Of the Week 1
Due day is March 21th. ※ Please use the designated form. ※ Please keep the deadline. ※ Please write clearly.
2018 Problem Of the Week 14 Best Solution and Result
18-049 박준형 A 18-119 홍석찬 A+ 17-003 강창민 A 18-030 김진욱 B 18-007 권이태 A 18-040 민현기 B
2018 Problem Of the Week 13 Best Solution and Result
17-003 강창민 A+ 18-007 권이태 A 18-049 박준형 A 18-030 김진욱 A 18-040 민현기 B 18-119 홍석찬 A 18-071 안준현 A
2018 Problem Of the Week 14
Due day is December 21th. ※ Please use A4 paper. ※ Please keep the deadline. ※ Please write clearly.
2018 Problem Of the Week 12 Best Solution and Result
18-007 권이태 A+ 18-119 홍석찬 A+ 18-040 민현기 A 17-003 강창민 A 18-049 박준형 A 18-001 강덕현 A 18-057 서준영 B+
2018 Problem Of the Week 13
Due day is December 5th. ※ Please write English this POW13 ※ Please use A4 paper. ※ Please keep the deadline. ※ Please write clearly.
2018 Problem Of the Week 11 Best Solution and Result
Result 17-003 강창민 A(best) 18-040 민현기 A 18-119 홍석찬 A 18-071 안준현 B 18-072 안호성 C